Dehydration Facts

Dehydration Facts


As little as 2% loss in water content begins to cause the brain to lose alertness and the body to feel fatigued.

In the outdoor industry and many others dehydration is vastly underestimated and that we vastly overestimated our ability to cope with. Well now it appears that we have a further problem that both the industry and we are basically totally ignorant of.  Dehydration has the ability to induce fatigue and the resulting reduction in judgment – all without us even being aware of it!!!


Let's Start With a Few Interesting Facts

1. Without water we can live about 3 days.

2. Our body is made us of about 60% water (women a little less than men for some reason). 

3. Our brain is made up of 85% water and requires a very narrow range of water content to remain at its peak.   

4. We lose about 8 to 10 cups, or just over 2 liters of water per normal day through breathing, urine, perspiration and bowel movements.

5. If working outside on a hot day we can lose about two pounds or one liter of water per hour.


Some Lesser Dehydration Known Facts

1. Doctors now say that a whopping 75% of people don’t have enough water. I.e. they’re dehydrated.

2. As little as 2% loss in water content begins to cause the brain to lose alertness and the body to feel fatigued.

3. Two to five percent dehydration is considered mild but sufficient to influence how the body will react.

4. Six to ten percent is considered moderate dehydration and is cause for immediate concern.

5. Eleven to fifteen percent is severe.  Hospitalization and intravenous will likely be required.

6. Beyond fifteen percent can end in death.




Dehydration - A Hidden Source of Fatigue

Written by Gordon Dupont

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